Monday, January 5, 2009

Alright...who put this guy in our yard???
I love him, but who did it?
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The weekend after Thanksgiving, David and I volunteered to chaperon for the Reedley High School Marching Band's trip to Disneyland and Hollywood. Hannah and Sam tagged along and we had a ton of fun. The buses left Reedley before dawn and we arrived in Anaheim before noon. It was a great day and the crowds were light enough that we were able to ride on 18 rides before we left! The highlight was the RHS Band marching down Mainstreet. The band filled the entire length of Mainstreet and they looked and sounded terrific!

The following day, the band marched in the Hollywood Christmas Parade. That was our first trip to Hollywood and the parade was great. After the parade, it was back to the buses for the trip back to foggy Reedley.

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Our New Kitty, Honey!

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During the first week of October, Hannah brought home 3 kittens that she found on her way home from school. This one, Honey, was the first one she found. She was around 5 weeks old and pretty wild! She wouldn't let anyone hold or catch her. Now she is a honey!